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Table of contents

Preface 7
Simplify the Politics
   The First Step of Corporate Renewal

When surplus, needless politics are stripped away, energy for corporate achievement is released.
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall!...
   Facing Corporate Reality
Looking deep into the soul of the company takes courage - but brings true success.
The Company: Living Entity or Machine?
   How You Treat It Determines Its Performance
Each company, each organization large or small, is a unique living entity. It has a personhood, a spirit. It is possible not only to directly address this spirit, but also to cause it to change, to grow, and to heal.
Fire in the Corporate Belly
   Reversing the Corporate Aging Process
That which really drives a company's performance, is neither strategy nor tactics nor finance, rather it is the motivating force that burns in its soul. This motivating force can be (re)ignited.
The Post-Acquisition Due Diligence
   The End of the Acquisition
Two-thirds of mergers and acquisitions fail to produce anticipated results, in spite of the best due diligence possible. But there is a way, post-acquisition, to radically increase the odds of your success.
Corporate Retrenchment or Corporate Renewal?
   Renewal is Easier,. Also More Successful
The Preemptive Turnaround
   Renewing the Corporation:
      Body, Soul and Bottom-Line
Long before a crisis hits, before the financial pain is felt, it can be seen, predicted, and reversed.
Corporate Viagra�
   Do you need it? Can you get it? Is it fun?
One of the core attributes of a company is its potency, its ability to get things done. It can be restored.
Interview with a CEO
   A Corporate Renewal Experience
A third party interview with a CEO on his experience with the Corporate Renewal Process and its results.
Hitting the Ground Running As the New CEO
"In just two days, the process took two years off my learning curve."
From Politics to Purpose
   The Rebirth of a Board
A not-for-profit board and its journey to effectiveness.
The First Strategy of War
A management team mobilized and eager to engage the competition.
Creating a Virtual Crisis
   The Gentle Art of Provoking Change
Inward Bound
   A Journey of Corporate Renewal
The true wealth of a company must first be found within.
The Giving of Courage
   The First Duty of a CEO
When all is said and done, this single act of leadership is all that is really needed. A lesson from Rudi Giuliani.
Appendix I The Early Warning Signs
Leading performance indicators - Fifty factors to look for.
Appendix II The Drivers of Performance
The corporate attributes that cause, impel, and drive performance.

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